Monday, August 24, 2015

MiniTiouner DATV receiver

My latest project that i decided to build is the BATC MiniTiouner MTK1 kit. It is a DVB-S tuner which
then captures the Transport Stream on a USB FT2232H and sends it to a computer using
The MiniTiouner Program written by F6DZP Jean Pierre.
The build was made easy by the British Amateur Television Club who sourced all the modules and parts along with a PCB designed by G4EWJ which are made available to members to purchase from their internet shop

Here is a picture of the built unit tested and ready to be boxed.

And Here is the Unit Boxed inside an old linksys router case.
The only thing I need to do is to add an external LED

And here is my first captured Transport Stream from Minitiouner Program while receiving GB3UD
ATV Repeater on 1318.5MHz.
Symbol Rate is 4160
Video PID 0162
Audio PID 0088
PCR PID 0133

The next part of the built project is the Digi-Thin Transmitter.
This is an add on board that plugs onto a Raspberry PI with a PI web cam creating a stream to transmit on the Ham Bands.
Note this system is purely for a low symbol rates and is for experimentation running on 4mtrs 6Mtrs 2Mtrs 70cMs and up.

This build is mainly surface mount components and is not aimed as a beginners build me kit.
Again a PCB and hard to get components are available on the BATC web site.

Here is an image of the Digi-Thin board that fits onto the Raspberry PI mini computer.
So More fun to be had on the Amateur radio bands. I love this hobby!

Thanks for reading 73 Mark

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