Sunday, October 08, 2017

SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (WES)

Well just spent 24hrs participating in the Straight Key Century Club's Weekend Sprintathon (WES)
I Made 16 QSO's with a score of 442.

HF conditions were quite reasonable for a change, and you would expect my score to be a lot higher.
Well I was running 5Watts QRP from my Ten-Tec Argosy II. Into a mini G5RV antenna.

Of course the Straight key had to be used as I don't own a Cootie Key or a BUG. I can tell you Glass arm hurts!

I know I could of worked a lot more stations, however, I have local interference (QRN)
from a source of flashing LED Lights in a shop window that run from 7am to Midnight 7 days a week.

Here is a recording of it on 40mtrs which is the worst band affected.

40mtrs interference from flashing LED Lights in a shop

So all in all, I am very pleased with my contacts.  Here is an image of the excellent SKCC logger program


My SKCC number is 15845, So if you enjoy using a straight key (any speed you like, but not toooo fast hee hee, give me a call, and if you fancy becoming a member check out their website at

Also they have an excellent and friendly sked page where you can arrange to contact other SKCC

Oh and my G-QRP member number is 12875

Thanks for reading 72 till next time


Jeff Bauer, WN1MB said...

I have local lighting QRN, too; 2nd floor apartment dweller downtown right on Main Street. Parking lot lighting interference is terrible from sundown to sunrise - prime time for 40 meters, my favorite band.

I still get on and get out with my QRP, though, and enjoy every SKCC WES event!


Jeff WN1MB
Winsted CT

Mark GØNMY said...

Thanks Jeff, glad you are enjoying your CW.
Yes its difficult with QRN but as you say still possible.
I just do a little and see how I go.
Thanks for the comment though
73 Mark G0NMY